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How to order articles via PubMed, Gesellschaft der Ärzte

How to order articles via PubMed

To order documents, perform a search and select the desired citations by clicking the check box to the left of each citation. When you have finished marking your selections, select "Order" from the "Send to" menu, or temporarily save your selections to the Clipboard by selecting "Clipboard" from the "Send to" menu.
The display number of a citation added to the Clipboard will turn green. You may make multiple selections on multiple pages of results before saving them to the Clipboard. Clipboard items will be lost after eight hours of inactivity. When you have completed adding citations to the Clipboard, click on the Clipboard link. You can use the check box next to the item number to select specific items in the Clipboard to be ordered and then select "Order" from the "Send to" menu. (selected from PubMed Help-text)
