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PLoS One (Online-Bestand: 2006-)
PLoS Pathogens (Online-Bestand: 2005-)
PM&R The journal of injury, function and rehabilitation
Der Pneumologe (Online-Bestand: 2004-)
Population Health Metrics (Online-Bestand: 1.2003 -)
Practical Diabetes International (Incorporating Cardiabetes) (Online-Bestand: 13.1996-)
Praevention und Gesundheitsfoerderung (Online-Bestand: 2006-)
Prescriber (Online-Bestand: 17.2006-)
Prevention Science (Online-Bestand: 2000-)
Preventive Cardiology (Online-Bestand: 3.2000-)
Primary Care Clinics in Office Practice (Online-Bestand: March 1996 -)
ProCare (Online-Bestand: 2008-)
Progress in Biomaterials (Online-Bestand: 1.2012 -)
Progress In Neurology and Psychiatry (Online-Bestand: 11.2007-)
Progress in Orthodontics (Online-Bestand: 14.2013 -)
The Prostate (Online-Bestand: 28.1996 -)
Proteome Science (Online-Bestand: 1.2003 -)
Proteomics (Online-Bestand: 1.2001-)
The Psychiatric Clinics of North America (Online-Bestand: March 1996 -)
Psychiatric Quarterly (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (Online-Bestand: 50.1996 -)
Psycho-Oncology (Online-Bestand: 5.1996-)
Psychogeriatrics (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
Psychopharmacology (Online-Bestand: 1.1959 -)
Psychopraxis.neuropraxis (Online-Bestand: -)
Psychotherapie Forum (Online-Bestand: -)
Public Health Nursing (Online-Bestand: 13.1996 -)
Quality of Life Research (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Radiation Oncology (Online-Bestand: 1.2006 -)
Der Radiologe (Online-Bestand: 36.1996 -)
La Radiologia medica (Online-Bestand: 111.2006 -)
The Radiologic Clinics of North America (Online-Bestand: January 1998 -)
Radiological Physics and Technology (Online-Bestand: 2008-)
Réanimation (Online-Bestand: 2011-)
Rechtsmedizin (Online-Bestand: 7.1997 -)
Reproduction in Domestic Animals (Online-Bestand: 31.1996 -)
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (Online-Bestand: 1.2003 -)
Reproductive Health (Online-Bestand: 1.2004 -)
Reproductive Medicine and Biology (Online-Bestand: 1.2002 -)
Research In Nursing & Health (Online-Bestand: 19.1996-)
Respiratory Research (Online-Bestand: 1.2000 -)
Respirology (Online-Bestand: 1.1996 -)
Retrovirology (Online-Bestand: 1.2004 -)
Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Hematology
Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (Online-Bestand: 2000-)
Reviews In Medical Virology (Online-Bestand: 6.1996-)
Revista médica de Chile (Online-Bestand: 126.1998 -)
Revue de médecine périnatale (Online-Bestand: 2009-)
Rheuma plus (Online-Bestand: 2011-)
Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America (Online-Bestand: February 1996 -)
Science Direct